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Welcome, special education families
and special education advocates!
Parents: are you frustrated or confused - or both - by special education in your child's public school?
Do you find yourself worrying or experiencing anger and even fear about your child's education program? Are you confused by conflicting advice on Facebook? Tired of not knowing what your rights are, what your child deserves, and how to improve things?
You're not alone. This is an important concern: your child's education is at stake. For at least 15 years from age 3 through 18 - (or in some cases, until age 22), your child's education is being directed and guided by school personnel.
Parents must understand the system, their rights, and what their child needs and deserves. You deserve peace of mind, confidence and the ability to advocate for your child.
Families must travel the special education journey with a trusted, expert guide. Every day, special education advocates across America help families understand the process, have productive IEP meetings, and get education back on track.
1) Edly IEP Consulting & Advocacy provides families with special education advocates. If you're a parent who needs help, you're in the right place. This service will begin by January 2019.
2) Edly: For the Love of Ability provides live and virtual training workshops to families around the nation. If you have a group or agency that would like assistance - you're in the right place.
Our Motto is "For the Love of Ability." Your child's ability - not disability - defines how we approach advocacy. We have a collaborative, professional approach and share your devotion to making a positive difference in your child's special education.
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