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Special Ed Definitions

  • Accommodations: Services or supports used to enable a student to fully access the subject matter and instruction.  It does substantially alter the content or expectations. Accommodations are made to level the playing field.

    • These are specified on an IEP or 504 Plan

    • Examples: extended time, changes in presentation or response format of tests, etc.

  • Annual Goal: Written in a student’s IEP and it is a statement of reasonable expectations for a student to accomplish in the next 12 months.  Goals help to direct the services and instruction that the student receives.

  • AT (Assistive Technology): Equipment, item, product system used to maintain or improve the capabilities of a child with a disability. 

    • Examples:

    • Low tech: Slant board, pencil gripper

    • High Tech: Braille reader, computer, dynamic display augmentative communication device

  • BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan): A plan of positive behavior interventions for a child whose behaviors interfere with their learning or that of others.

  • Categorical Placement: Special Education programs in which student are grouped on the basis of their IDEA eligibility category.  Other models are non-categorical placement and cross-categorical placement. (Source: The Council for Disability Rights)

  • Consent: Requirement that the parent be fully informed of all information that relates to any action that school wants to take about the child, that parent understands the consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time.

  • Disability: In Section 504 and ADA, defined as impairment that substantially affects one or more major life activities; an individual who has a record of having such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment. (Source: Wrightslaw)

  • Early Intervention: Special Education and related services provided to children under the age of 5.

  • ESY: Extended School Year

  • FAPE: Free appropriate public education provision as required under IDEA.

  • FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: A federal law that regulates the management of student records and disclosure of information from those records. (Source: The Council for Disability Rights).

  • IDEA: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

  • IEE: Independent educational evaluation

  • IEP: Individualized Educational Plan

  • LEA: Local education agency or public school district

  • LRE: Least restrictive environment is a requirement of IDEA requiring special needs children to be educated with children who are not disabled to the maximum extent possible.

  • MDR: Manifestation Determination Review happens if a child with a disability engages in behavior or breaks a rule or code of conducts that applies to nondisabled children and the school proposes to remove the child, the school must hold a hearing to determine if the child’s behavior was caused by the disability.

  • Placement: The setting in which special education services are delivered to students.  Placement is NOT a location or a school. 

  • Modifications: Substantial changes in what the student is expected to demonstrate; includes changes in instructional level, content, and performance criteria, may include changes in test form or format; includes alternate assessments.  Source: Wrightslaw

  • Related Services: Services that are necessary for child to benefit from special education, includes speech-language pathology and audiology services, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, early identification and assessment, counseling, rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mobility services, school health services, social work services, parent counseling and training. Source: Wrightslaw

  • Supplementary Aids and Services: Means aids, services, and supports that are provided in regular education classes that enable children with disabilities to be education with nondisabled children to the maximum extent possible. (i.e. Accommodations) Source: Wrightslaw


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